Saturday night I watched the French horror movie "Them." It was scary--and I was home alone--it was dark outside...I finally had to turn every light on in the apartment. I love the French, I love their food and culture and joi de vive--I took 3 years of French in highschool, but truthfully I can never get through a French movie without feeling frustrated. I think French movies enjoy being vague and mysterious but just once I'd like to know how a movie ends. Last year I saw "La Moustache" which I loved (wonderful actors, wonderful script) but I still don't know if the husband is crazy or the wife is evil and could somebody please tell me whether or not he has a mustache! That's all I ask. So I was pleasantly surprised to see that this horror movie (Them) did indeed have a clear ending: Both lead characters die. There's no vagueness about it. Dead. Murdered by teenagers. Based on a true story. Depressing. But clear.