The picture on the left is Hirozo and Minako (both from Japan) and below is Xuan (from China) and Young from Korea. These are some of our dedicated volunteers and staff members. Xuan started working with us last week. It took me several tries before I could pronounce her name. It's really a very challenging name, Xuan. Maybe I will call her Lady X! That sounds dramatic, no? Here's my problem: I deeply believe that every person should and must take a brea
k during the day (leave the office, go for a walk or get lunch and talk to friends). I think people are more productive and happy when they recharge their battery and de-stress from sitting in front of a computer all day. But maybe only Americans believe in the right to happiness. It is in our constitution after all. Last Thursday I had to ask Xuan 5 times before she finally and very reluctantly agreed to take a break. It was really very funny. She looked so sad and heart broken as she walked slowly and mournfully out of the office, as if I had banished her. You know, it makes me feel like a slacker when I'm the only one in the office who takes a break. Is this an American thing? Why do my non-American co-workers feel angst over taking breaks? Why do they insist on being so pure and good and serious-minded? It is my dream that one day people from all countries and all walks of life will have the freedom and devil-may-care spirit to take a break!

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