Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Cafe Club Topic: Holding Hands in Public

I joined Cafe Club last Friday for conversation and tea--I had such a nice time! We discussed movies, stalkers, boys, the expression 'getting hit on' (which I have a lot of experience with--why am I so desirable??), and holding hands in public. Two of the young women from Korea said they hold hands when they are walking down the street-- and they wanted to know if holding hands could be interpreted as something other than friendship: so the answer is: yes, people may think you're gay. or maybe sisters. However, dancing with female friends in clubs, etc. is something a lot of women do since boys may not always ask us to dance or we just want to have fun without getting 'hit on.' (I think female friends in the United States are more likely to link arms when walking together rather than hold hands)--I would say that you should feel free to do whatever makes you happy. Also, definitely do not give a guy your phone number ever unless you really really like him (and he's very very cute!)

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